
Hi there, welcome to
my portfolio!

Below, you’ll find a couple of the cybersecurity and coding projects I’ve worked on.

These are only short descriptions of the projects, but if you want to see the whole thing, scroll to the link at the bottom of the page.

Packet Capture and Analysis​
Incident Handler’s Journal​
Python Projects​
… and More!​

WireShark Interface

Packet Captures and Analysis

Tcpdump and WireShark are essential tools for diagnosing network issues, monitoring network performance, and conducting network research and security analysis. To practice using Wireshark, I created a packet capture and filtered for basic information such as source/destination IP, protocols used, and packet contents.

Path Finder GUI with Tkinter

Python Path Finder

The Path Finder project I made was a chance for me to experiment with making a simple application with a GUI built with Tkinter that incorporates a couple well known algorithms. The app creates and solves a maze with a breadth first search or a depth first search algorithm.

Penetration Testing with Python

Black Hat Python

To learn more penetration testing techniques, I am working through the book Black Hat Python. As I progress through the book, I am coding along and building TCP clients, a netcat clone, and more.

VirusTotal Search

Incident Handler’s Journal

One of the most important steps to follow after a security incident is to take notes and learn from the incident. These will often be written in an incident handler’s journal. I have my own journal, where I’ve documented how I’ve used several tools, what I’ve learned from mock incidents, and more.

Parsing HTML with Beautiful Soup

Python Movie Score Parser

The IMDb Score Finder script is a simple script that uses the requests and the Beautiful Soup libraries to solve this problem. It retrieves the html content of a URL, parses the data to extract movie titles, and then searches OMDb for the IMDb score associated with each movie title.

HackerRank Progress

HackerRank Practice

As part of the Google Cybersecurity course, I practiced creating basic MySQL queries. To practice writing more complicated queries, I went to HackerRank to solve additional problems. Within HackerRank, I also spent some time practicing writing Bash scripts.

See the Full Portfolio

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