From Engineer to Analyst: A Journey to Becoming a Level 1 SOC Analyst

Hello world! After 5 years working as a building enclosure and structural engineer, I have decided to try to break into the cybersecurity world. This blog post is hopefully the first of many, and as I learn new topics, I will add more entries here. For me, the best way to make sure I’ve learned something thoroughly is to repeat it in my own words, so that will be the focus of each post.

To be honest, this is not the first time I try to pivot into computer science; COVID lockdown was a great time to learn a new skill and I used my available time learning Python and machine learning in Rwanda. By the end of lockdown, however, two things were clear: there was a lot more for me to learn, and machine learning was not the career change for me. Over the next two years I studied a little bit of web development, and then began doing tutorials on Try Hack Me. This was what I was looking for! Infiltrating computers and stopping attackers in their tracks was exactly the field of computer science that suited me.

So, I decided to quit my job. I looked for cybersecurity jobs on LinkedIn and noted what skills were required for entry level roles. I also browed infosec communities on Reddit for advice. I made a game plan:

  • Start a portfolio/blog
  • Study for the Network+
  • Take the Google Cybersecurity Certificate program
  • Take the Security+ exam
  • Continue working through Try Hack Me tutorials

So that brings us to the present. I quit my jobs two months ago and now I am working through the Google Cybersecurity Certificate. As I continue my journey towards becoming a Level 1 SOC analyst, I am excited about the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. If you are like me, trying to enter this field, I hope you’ll follow along and that these posts help you in your own journey. See you soon!

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